Final Report
3rd European Union Championships comes to an end and
looking forward to next year.
Organising these events is a huge
task and responsibility. On
behalf of the players, coaches, parents and supports I wish to
thank FM Erich Gigerl and his team for a marvelous event and hope
to return to Austria next year.
I believe this Championship has already established an important
place in junior chess. It
is just the right size for everyone to be able to get to know each
other but big enough to be a real challenge for the very best
players. Players
gaining the title ‘European Union Champion’ can be extremely
proud of their achievement.
The countryside around Mureck also offers the opportunity for
pleasant walks or cycling – there is something for everyone.
I look forward to us all getting together next year.
Very best wishes from a team manager.
Thanks to "a team manager" for his final words to the
chess event in Mureck. He said, we shouldn´t publish his name, so
we don´t, but he didn´t say we shouldn´t publish his foto, so
we do...

Instead of a long final report we now pick up some pics from our
galeries. They show more than words can say...

More than 150 kids from 25 federations came to Austria to play in
Mureck the 3rd European Union Youth Chess Championship or the 12th
International Styrian Youth Open. Kurt Jungwirth - President of
the Austrian Chess Federation - welcomed them.

Games start in different age groups. Girls and boys play together.
They all are so different in culture and languages, but they all
have one great interest together: chess.

The youngest players in EUYCC are in the group U10...

...next group: U12:

... and U14. Notice that girls and boys play together in all EUYCC
groups, but have different ranklists. So 3 girls and 3 boys will
be champion of EU.

U10 and U12 play together in the 12th International Styrian Youth

Of course the different age-groups were rated separate like in the

... but there are no different rankings between girls and boys.
There are many activities kids can do outside of tournament hall
in Mureck...

Much fun in the "Radkersburger Teich- und Huegelland"
not only for the six EUYCC-Champions:

You find all tables and results in tournament databases and
many fotos in our galeries. All links are on the top of
this site.
NOTICE that you can find all results of players of one
federation with one click and that you can switch in our
database to an english version.
This was our report. Hope to see you again next year.
Photos last day
our new photo galeries from round
9 and closing
Photos outside
our new photo galery from outside tournament hall: outside
Photos U14
our new photo galeries from the open: U10/U12
and U14/16
Photos U14
our new photo galery U14.
Photos U12
our new photo galery U12.
Photos U10
our new photo galery U10.
Photos 2nd day
our new photo galery from 2nd
Opening Ceremony
3rd European Union Chess Championship finds place in Mureck -
Austria from 18th to 26th August 2005. Kurt Jungwirth, president
of the austrian chess federation welcomed together with Josef
Gallob, mayor of Mureck and Adalbert Braunegger from government of
styria more than 150 participants of 25 federations.
Mureck offers many possibilities for sports and the region is rich
in culture and historic sites. So young players can play chess,
find contacts and have fun.
EU-Youth Chess Championship was an idea by Kurt Jungwirth to
create a tournament that strenghtens european identity. First
tournament took place in Graz as part of programme of cultural
capital 2003 and festival chess003. Further invitations followed
2004 in Mureck together with traditional youth open.
General Information
You will find all results in the tournament database of our
media partner "Wiener Zeitung". Notice that this pages
are available in german and english immediately after each
We need a little more time to create our daily bulletin. You will
find all games in pgn on this site at least on the day
after each round.
Further we will offer some galeries.
We hope you enjoy our service and this event. Don´t hesitate
to ask for photos in better quality or any other
informations for media or your websites.